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Title ⚡WINNERS ANNOUNCEMENT⚡⚡Where to go for Summer Vacay? Join & Get $50!⚡
Posted by ca**** (ip:)
  • Date 2020-07-09
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  • so**** 2020-09-24 0points
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    Spam I would like to go to amusement park, because I've never been there before< So I wish to win ❤️
  • He**** 2020-08-09 0points
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    Spam I would love to go Korea to visit my relatives and have fun with my friends (: I love shopping, they have the best clothes and food. I always happen to find new things when I go there and it’s so cool how korea is so different here in the US. I miss going to the convenient store super late at night and ordering take out food.
  • An**** 2020-07-29 0points
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    Spam This Summer, I was planning on visiting Barcelona,Spain due to many reasons. The local food is apparantly amazing as well as the local culture which I hope to immerse in.
  • ho**** 2020-07-27 0points
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    Spam i would like to go to singapore for summer vacation because i used to live there but I’m currently living in canada so i would like to visit my friends there and have fun with them!!
  • EE**** 2020-07-27 0points
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    Spam I would love to go back to Jeju island, where there are beaches and mountains. I have been there before with friends and I had a wonderful time there. Unfortunately it was only a few days and it was rainy and foggy. So even though we hiked on hallasan, we couldn't see the view as it was too foggy:( So I definitely want to go back there! And also eat delicious food! Hopefully, also with the same friends whom I haven't seen for almost three years.
  • Al**** 2020-07-25 0points
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    Spam My dream vacation would be to visit South Korea to experience the culture, the landscapes and especially the fashion. I would like to visit Jeju-Islands, but most of all I would love to attend Seoul fashion week to witness all the different fashion statements! In the recent years K-fashion has spread all over the world and the world wouldn’t be as captivating without it’s art, right? :)
    There are so many people over there that celebrate their own individualities and confidence through fashion!
    I was actually supposed to visit South Korea a few months ago but due to the pandemic I was not able to, but hopefully I’ll go when the situation is over!
    For now, I will just have to make the best out of the situation and have my summer vacation in my back yard haha :)

    Stay safe guys!
  • Le**** 2020-07-25 0points
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    Spam My dream vacation is to go to South Korea✨ I am a multi kpop stan but that’s not why I wanna go to korea, you see I got into kdramas way before I started listening to kpop and I loved the scenery, food and culture of korea! I love how big and accepting everyone is also don’t forget polite I would love to visit Busan, Gangnam, jeju island, and Seoul I want to experience what it’s like to be in another country and just get away from all what’s happening in the US! Also everyone’s fashion in korea is way more stylish and better than in the US.
  • As**** 2020-07-24 0points
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    Spam My dream vacation would be anywhere where I could be with my loved ones~ as long I can share the beautiful moments and memories with the people I love, anywhere would be an unforgettable vacation❤️
  • Ke**** 2020-07-24 0points
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    Spam I wish I could spend my summer in South Korea. I was supposed to go as an exchange student at Seoul National University this summer and into the fall but because of covid it was cancelled. ㅠㅠ So my dream would be to have been able to do that♥
  • Va**** 2020-07-23 0points
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    Spam I would love to spend my summer vacay in South Korea. It may be humid over there during the summer, but I could always cool down in the cute cafes and some ice cream. It's been a dream for me and my sister to go to South Korea. With the clothes from Hotping I'd definitely get a lot of good photos with them.
  • Ja**** 2020-07-22 0points
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    Spam I want to go to Alaska! I’d love to go during whale season which happens to take place during the summer. I’ve always wanted to see them in their natural environment. I would want to go with my family and rent a nice cottage where we can relax and enjoy the various sites Alaska has to offer!
  • Ha**** 2020-07-22 0points
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    Spam I wanted to travel to Seattle by myself for this summer vacation, but because of the COVID 19 and I worried that traveling alone would be dangerous, I canceled all the plans. I was so sad and disappointed. Then, my roommate invited me to her birthday party, so I'll go to Michigan with her!!!!! I have never visited the east side of the U.S. Also; this is the first time to be invited to an American friend's birthday party. I am so excited!! :D
  • Po**** 2020-07-22 0points
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    Spam Like everyone else I dream visiting Hawaii. There is sea, waiting for you and some delicious local fruits and veggies I want to try. But since quarantine we can't really go anywhere so I'll just sunbathe on my roof :)
  • La**** 2020-07-21 0points
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    Spam I have been dreaming for most of my life to go to Jeju Island! I've always wanted to go there and try the food, and see the haenyeo. In Jeju, I also want to see the beach there and the resorts.
  • ha**** 2020-07-20 0points
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    Spam This summer I wanna travel to Da Lat City, Vietnam. Currently it's very hot in my city (Danang City), so I plan to visit Da Lat because the weather in this city is always cool and sometimes cold. It's a good idea to get away from hot summer. If you plan to visit Vietnam, Da Lat is a good choice because of its beautiful sceneries and cool weather.
  • Le**** 2020-07-21 0points
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    Spam This summer i would like to travel to Shanghai China because first of all i want to practice my Chinese and i also want to try new dishes meet new people learn about their culture.
  • Ka**** 2020-07-20 0points
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    Spam My ideal summer vacation is go to the mountains here in Shenandoah, Virginia to do hiking and camping. I really want to do that because that is one of my bucket list. Also, I want to see the scenery because they said it is beautiful there especially when it's fall season.
  • Lo**** 2020-07-20 0points
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    Spam This summer i want to go to london it’s been a long time since i want to go for the scenery, shops that i don’t have here and foood
  • AN**** 2020-07-20 0points
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    Spam This summer I would want to go to Paris,France as it is known as one of the fashion capitals of the world, and I am planning on majoring in Fashion Design so I believe getting to know the basics of fashion around the world is important, as well as seeing the different trends and styles different cultures partake in.
  • Ha**** 2020-07-19 0points
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    Spam I'd love to visit Korea once this coronavirus situation dies down a bit. I was supposed to take my first solo trip this year for my 25th birthday, but plans had to get cancelled..
    Looking forward to being able to travel and vacay again! Stay safe out there, everyone!
  • Am**** 2020-07-18 0points
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    Spam I would love to visit Queensland in Australia so that I can see the Great Barrier Reef and go diving with the turtles. It would also be nice to see my friends and family living over in Australia.
  • In**** 2020-07-18 0points
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    Spam I have always dreamed of visiting Japan! I love the culture and am currently studying Japanese by myself. I also absolutely love Asian fashion and would love to wear that kind of fashion to other places when traveling too!
  • Xi**** 2020-07-18 0points
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    Spam I would love to visits Korea because I heard shopping and street food is really good there.
  • Ke**** 2020-07-18 0points
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    Spam For this summer I wish to go to Spain or just somewhere in Europe.
  • Em**** 2020-07-17 0points
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    Spam I was planning to go to Seoul this summer after my summer classes but the trip was cancelled due to covid-19.
  • El**** 2020-07-17 0points
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    Spam For my summer vacation I really want to go to Greece:)
  • Go**** 2020-07-16 0points
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    Spam For my summer vacation, I really want to visit Bora Bora which is a small South Pacific island northwest of Tahiti in French Polynesia. ❤️
  • Di**** 2020-07-16 0points
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    Spam I was suppose to go to Seoul, Korea this summer in June 2020 for the first time ever. Unfortunately it's been cancel due to Cover-19 :(
  • 谢佳**** 2020-07-15 0points
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    Spam I am a new fans of hotping and try to get new and different look through this website, and the country that i am here so hot ,i am lazy to go out for shopping,so I wish i can get $50 and shop in this website. I hope i am the one of winner.pls and thanks god.
  • Sh**** 2020-07-15 0points
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    Spam would love to go to Jeju for summer vecay! i have seen pictures of Jeju and the area is just so beautiful! have never been there before but would really love to visit there in the future with my friends and wear the clothes from hotping!!
  • Ka**** 2020-07-15 0points
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    Spam My ideal summer vacay would take place in South Korea to visit my relatives and have fun with my friends. Although Korea is very humid in the summer, i think it is still worth the time spent will my loved ones!:)
  • Ka**** 2020-07-15 0points
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    Spam The perfect place to go on a summer vacay would be in Siargao, Philippines 🇵🇭 Great waves (if you’re into surfing), as well as secret isllands around where sometimes you can get that island all by yourself! ❤️
  • Ky**** 2020-07-15 0points
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    Spam I would love to go to Jeju again! I visited past winter when it was snowing, but I believe the best part of visiting Jeju is to go to the beach and get some fresh seafood!
  • Ji**** 2020-07-15 0points
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    Spam I would love to visit a place where it is cool because I live in one of the driest and hottest states in the U.S!
  • Ja**** 2020-07-14 0points
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    Spam I'd love to go somewhere tropical and warm for a summer vacation! A place where I can lay out on the beach in the sun with a cool drink in my hand 🌤️
  • Au**** 2020-07-14 0points
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    Spam The ideal summer vacation would to travel throughout asia and witness the different fashion trends in Shanghai, Tokya, Seoul, Busan, and more!
  • Ji**** 2020-07-14 0points
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    Spam Visiting korea to see my families!!!!
  • Ni**** 2020-07-14 0points
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    Spam The ideal vacation destination would be visiting Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. I want to see, hear and feel the water from one the longest waterfalls in the world.
  • ni**** 2020-07-14 0points
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    Spam I want to go to Atlanta.

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